Know about plant diseases and easy techniques to take care of your tree’s health by yourself.

Know about plant diseases and easy techniques to take care of your tree’s health by yourself.

Everyone wants healthy vegetables. But every grower knows that plants and disease go hand in hand. On many occasions we notice plants having abnormalities. Whether it is expressed by symptoms of yellow leaves, curled leaves, burnt leaves, spots, withered trees, stunted trees, and even death until the harvest cannot be harvested. What are the causes of these symptoms? So what are some ways to help plants grow healthy? Flowering and fruiting as expected

A series of agricultural handbooks on knowing plant diseases compiled and compiled from the experience of assistant professor Dr. Udomsak Lertsuchatwanich Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University Which helps to solve questions about various abnormal symptoms that occur with plants. for readers to gain a better understanding of basic plant diseases It's a guide to take care of the health of trees by yourself.

for popular vegetable gardens Whether it's leafy vegetables such as morning glory, kale, Guangdong, cabbage, etc., or fruit-eating vegetables, it can cause many diseases. Some diseases have similar symptoms that make me not sure if I think I know I understand correctly or not. Especially various types of jaundice, which may make the prevention and treatment of the disease ineffective or inefficient. Baan Lae Suan Publishing House Include examples of plant diseases that are often encountered together with basic disease management methods to introduce to each other.

basil mildew

Symptoms The upper leaves are yellow with stripes. Underneath the leaves, clusters of gray, fluffy spores are found. Later, the yellow flesh will die. turns dark brown or black Symptoms of the disease occur first on older leaves at the bottom of the canopy.

primary disease management

Soak seeds in warm water at 52-55 °C for 20-30 minutes before planting.

Plant basil with a distance between the trees and keep trimming the canopy so that it is not dense because the high humidity in the canopy can cause disease and spread easily.

Protected by the use of biological agents such as Trichoderma fungi. or bacillus bacteria

morning glory white rust disease

Symptoms Initially, small yellow spots appear on the upper part of the leaves. later expanding into burns Under the leaves visible white spots of the fungus. When the epidemic is high, the leaves dry and die.

primary disease management

Cut leaves, uproot plants, and remove diseased debris from the field. including weeds and wild morning glory around

Be careful with watering. Especially during an epidemic because it will spread the infection from the diseased tree to the neighboring tree

Protected by the use of biological agents such as Trichoderma fungi. or bacillus bacteria

powdery mildew

Symptoms : Mycelium or spores are found covering the surface of the plant as a powdery white powder or dust on the leaves. If it is with young leaves in some plants, it will cause the leaves to curl. If the eye part of the plant will not grow. Long diseased branches may eventually dry out and die.

primary disease management

After the produce is harvested, destroy any diseased plant residues by tilling and crop rotation.

kale leaf spot disease

Symptoms affect cruciferous plants such as kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage and bok choy, etc. Most of the symptoms are clearly observed on the leaves, which will form a small, yellow lesion that later enlarges to a color. dark brown to black The lesions are circular in shape, stacked in layers.

primary disease management

Use sterile seeds. Or disinfect the seeds that may be attached to the seeds by soaking in warm water at 49-50 degrees Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

Eliminate weeds in the plot to prevent them from being a habitat for pathogens.

Protected by the use of biological agents such as bacillus bacteria.

rot disease of vegetables

Symptoms Initially, the plant shows signs of succulents. Later, the wound will rot and spread to a wide area, with greasy mucus, giving off a foul odor. Symptoms of the disease develop rapidly in extremely hot and rainy weather.

primary disease management

Remove all plant debris and weeds in the plot before planting each crop. Then turn over the soil and expose it to the sun 2-3 times, leaving a reasonable distance from each other. to reduce the accumulation of pathogens in the soil

Control various insect pests in the field, especially caterpillars and biting insects.

When a diseased tree is found, it should be excavated and discarded outside the planting plot.

Protected by the use of biological agents such as bacillus bacteria.

Golden leaf edge disease or black rot

Symptoms Yellow leaves from the edge of the leaf and spread deep into the leaf flesh in a V shape. The leaf veins in this area are brown and black. Subsequently, symptoms of dryness occur from the edges of the leaves. Leaves wither or fall off the plant.

cabbage gold leaf border

kale gold leaf border

primary disease management

Use seeds that are certified disease free.

Digging up old stumps to destroy and the harvest should be done by uprooting the tree instead of chopping off the head and leaving the stump in the field

Protected by the use of biological agents such as bacillus bacteria.

tomato leaf spot disease

Symptoms Small, light brown spots appear on the leaves. uncertain shape Later it became blackish brown to black. When the disease is severe, the leaves will drop. Symptoms may be found on the lesions on the trunk as a brown-black scaly. and the infection also destroys the fruit causing the fruit to be a brown-black scaly spot as well

primary disease management

Use certified disease-free seeds or disease-resistant plant varieties for planting.

Destroy the infection that may be attached to the seeds by soaking the seeds in hot water at 50 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

Remove diseased plant debris outside the field by burying or burning. Crop rotation other than the eggplant family

Protected by the use of biological agents such as bacillus bacteria.

Canker disease of citrus plants such as kaffir lime, lemon.

Symptoms mostly occur on young leaves. At first, you will see a small succulent spot, later the enlarged spot. light yellow noon The lesion then begins to turn dark brown and settles down into a hard scab. Rough, yellow skin surrounding the wound Symptoms can occur on various parts, including branches, trunk and fruit.

primary disease management

Use propagating parts or disease-free cuttings to plant.

Prune the diseased parts of the leaves, branches and stems.

control insect pests Especially leaf worms that cause wounds during young leaves to reduce the spread of infection.

Protected by the use of biological agents such as bacillus bacteria.

Tomato yellow leaf curl disease

Symptoms When a plant is infected with the virus, it will begin to show symptoms on young leaves. The new leaves are small, curled, yellow, the lower leaves of the canopy have curled leaf edges. May roll up or down, the leaf surface is wrinkled, uneven, the leaves shrink, small, yellow, the shoots become bushy, but they do not grow, stunted.

primary disease management

Destroy diseased plants by uprooting them or by burying the soil in the planting area.

Controlling whitefly infestations Or plan to grow plants to grow and be strong before the whitefly epidemic season.

Subject and picture: A book on knowing plant diseases by Assistant Professor Dr. Udomsak Lertsuchatwanich Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University

Editor: Wirachaya

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